Keystone XL Pipeline

Whether or not the Keystone XL project, which would pipe oil from Alberta Canada down to Texas for processing, will be able to affect the cost of gasoline at the pump or not, the project is good for America. It’s an old fashioned job creator, both in the near term (construction) and the long (upkeep and processing). The Republican House included language pressing the issue in its...
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Oil & Gas – Opportunity to React

In an article today in The Plain Dealer, data from a new study is cited that correlates small earthquakes to horizontal fracking in the eastern part of Ohio. As we know, there is a tremendous opportunity to extract these valuable resources, and oil & gas companies realize that there is a growth potential that is unmatched in these shale deposits. As we continue to tap into these wells, the...
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Ohio drilling & midstream

Our state’s permits have yet to be tapped, but work is in progress and will move forward. This is because of the oil and gas industry’s efforts to ensure that our drilling and midstream capabilities align to create efficiencies and economies of scale. The eastern border of our state is abuzz with activity, as extraction of Utica and Marcellus shale drilling is pursued by companies...
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Chesapeake: Ohio’s Wells High Yield

Five wells in eastern Ohio produced  2.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas in 2011, according to Chesapeake Energy. This is a much higher production rate than was originally expected for the Utica Shale formation, and good news for Ohio, as much of the formation sits under the eastern side of our state. The report shows a Harrison County well producing 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas,...
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Portman Sees Value in Keystone XL

Citing the benefit to consumers at the pump, as well as to feeder companies in the oil and gas industry, Senator Portman visited Solidstate, a Columbus-based company yesterday to discuss the pipeline project. Keystone XL, a pipeline that would pipe oil from Alberta, Canada down to Texas for refining, has become an environmental as well as political issue, with both sides working to coalesce...
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Ohio Needs to Get Out the Vote

More data than the results have come in about the Ohio Republican Primary: despite better than average, and colorful, campaign activity, Ohio republicans, and those in most other states, didn’t turn out to vote, according to the Columbus Dispatch. In large part, despite an arena-like feel to the campaign, most states are reporting lower-than-average voter turnout in this primary season....
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